Friday 7 March 2014

Medical Clinic visit

Dr. Kerry Neal,Orlando, Florida, and Dr. Andrew Hooper, Washington State, did amazing work helping the sick people in the community.

They treated 275 people including children in two days.

They even removed big growths with pus on the neck of a woman and a two-year old boy whose mother died 6 months earlier of TB. Concerned over the little boy the doctors kept him with us over night to monitor him.
Andrew Hooper
In the morning at 6:00 am Norma went to check on him because he had not eaten all day the day before. The little boy was afraid and would not smile.
Kerri Neal
He was more relaxed when Norma cooked oatmeal with added bananas and a sandwich. He ate it all. But what made him smile was the stuffed animal Norma gave him.

He hugged the bear so tight. It was hard to keep tears away.

ESTRELLA Responds Second Time

During Norma Nashed’s visit to Haiti in February 2014, she called Rafael Campusano (photo), Chief Engineer of ESTRELLA Road Construction Company, to schedule an appointment.

He had already built an access road from the NEW highway to Restore a Child Academie in November 2013. This major highway will connect Haiti with the Dominican Republic and is paid for by the European Union. Mr. Campusano was gracious to offer to come to the school to see our need, knowing well that Norma needed something from him..

Norma told Campusano she would like the dirt removed and the ground leveled leading to our " Garden
of Prayer " beautiful, and peaceful location at the bottom of the hill surrounded by trees. Instantly Campusano was on the phone giving instructions to his supervisor to do the job.

The next morning at 9:00 am one of ESTRELLA's excavators was dispatched to remove the dirt and level the ground which you see in Photo 4. This is $20,000 savings and also saving us three months of manual labor.months of manual labor and delay.

Unusual Enrollment Process

Normally a parent contacts a school, fills an application form, pays the fees, then goes to prepare the child for school. In Restore a Child Academie in Haiti things are quite different. 

Hundred children with hundred stories to tell. Because most of the children in Bois Pin are extremely poor, their families cannot afford to pay tuition.

Education is not free in Haiti. The Director Ronald MaGloire and engineer Joseph Valcin and teachers went home to home to encourage parents to send their children to school, even if they had no money. The parents were surprised and happy for this generous offer.

Parents, mostly single mothers, who could not afford to buy shoes or clothes for their children. Restore a Child Academie exists to provide quality education to the poor children in Haiti.

We are so thankful for Spencerville Adventist Academy in Maryland who donated funds for us to buy shoes
for all the children. Also parents from Spencerville Academy donated clothes and books for which we are very grateful.

We are also grateful for Newtown Adventist Church in Connecticut who drove a van with 45 boxes of school supplies which will be enough for the next two years for all the students. It is this synergy energy that
makes work grow and prosper. 

Thank you ALL.

“I was Naked and you clothed ME” is a Biblical mandate.

Restore a Child is unique in its approach. We do not wait to be asked to help, we Go, Seek, and Find those in need

Norma spent the whole first week going home to home, even in the streets, getting little boys and girls without shoes and clothes who could not go to school because of extreme poverty.

She took more than 15 kids and washed their feet, clothed them, fed them and took them to school. During a surprise party from the poor local mothers, each brought a piece of orange or coconut or an egg and it
was hard for Norma to accept gifts from poor people, but she wanted to be kind.

One mother spoke and said:

"We are grateful that our children have a new mother." This made Norma was so emotional and mothers
joined her with tears filling their eyes. Norma accepted the challenge of being a mother to these children and
people called her on the streets “Mamman Blanc” in creole, meaning White Mom.

“What an awesome challenge and wonderful trust and responsibility!.

I can do this only because you, our donors and Versacare really cared. Thank you and God bless you,” says Norma.

For this reason Restore a Child was established, to help solve the problem of children spending their days just fetching water or idle on the streets with little or no hope for a better future..

Restore a Child’s Innovative Project - Harvesting Rain Water

Restore a Child recognized the need for greater storage at the school due unpredictable availability of municipal water which we witnessed on our recent trip.

Immediate action was taken and five strong men who worked on the school construction were called and started on the digging of a 6,000-gallon capacity water reservoir to harvest rain drinking water.

During the five-month long rainy season with heavy downpours, huge supply of good water is wasted. Engineer Valcin was there to start the process.

This will cost $5,000 for the reservoir, tank and pump so Restore a Child Academy students will never be left without water.

We also plan to do the same at the home and guest house we built in partnership with Upward Bound Ministry headed by Ronald and Marjorie MaGloire in Bois Pin for our agricultural program.

Fill My Cup project - .10 cents a day can provide thousands of children with safe clean water

Through Fill My Cup, a water stewardship project, for .10 cents a day you can provide thousands of children with safe clean water this month.

Keep a track of how many cups of water you drink a day and multiply it by .10 cents. 

For example, if you drink 3 cups of water per day x .10 cents = .30 cents a day = $10 per month. 

Donate that amount to Restore a Child in March— World Water Month.

Restore a Child is responding to this crisis, not just in Haiti, but central Africa in Congo, Kenya and Tanzania.

Without your help thousands of children die. Together we can prevent these unnecessary death.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Haiti School Dedication - sand ribbon cutting ceremony of Restore a Child Academie

Students, parents and guests from the community with the town mayor (250 total) gathered on Saturday at 10:00 am for the dedication sand ribbon cutting ceremony of Restore a Child Academie.

We had worship and singing and thanked God for providing a quality-education school for the poor children of Bois Pin. With the new highway almost ready, children who could afford to go to school have to walk for an hour on this high-speed highway endangering their lives.

Thanks to our school children walk 1-5 minutes to our school on a safe private local road.

Make a donation to help Restore a Child Academie

Restore a Child celebrates World Water Day 2014

Fill MY cup!

Although technology has advanced so much in our days, yet 800 million people and children around the world still live without their basic right to clean drinking water.

There is a water crisis in Haiti. Forty percent of the people lack access to clean water and only one in five have access to a sanitary toilet.

This March Restore a Child would like you to be part of our new water project: Fill My Cup.

Every time you open the tap to fill your cup to drink, remember a child who often has to walk miles only to find contaminated dirty water to drink which will only make him sick and possibly die of disease.

Make a donation to help children

Saturday 15 February 2014

Animals are therapy to people, especially for children who are orphans and feel alone and isolated

We are a child sponsorship and child protection organization, but I know from experience that animals are therapy to people, especially for children who are orphans and feel alone and isolated.

In most cases these animals are neglected and live in a filthy place with hardly any food and this is abuse to the animal. So placing an animal in a loving home will assure their well being and the well being of the children taking care of them.

This is why I started giving goats and chickens and ducks to families in need. They bring joy to me and I am sure to children. Giving animals to orphanages or homes is a good investment as the people who get them get milk and eggs that they can eat and sell to generate income.

Volunteers at Congo School Goma Orphanage

Missionaries from Hungary have gone to stay five months at the school and orphanage we support in Kinshasa, Congo. 

They will be building, planting trees and teaching at the school.

Friday 7 February 2014

Children with disability can become happy children learning in the school we support in Kinshasa, Congo.

With your help, children with disability can become happy children learning in the school we support in Kinshasa, Congo.

Make a donation to help children in Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is located in the center of the west-central area of sub-Saharan Africa. This is a country that has been severely affected by ongoing violence, which led to a major decline in the economy, leading to poverty, disease, and malnutrition. Many organizations, including the UN, have denounced this fighting due to the targeted violence towards women and children.

Due to this situation, UNICEF estimated that there are 4 million orphans in DRC. Problems that affect children heavily include malnutrition, a lack of clean water, and declining primary school enrollment rates. Caring for and providing a good education to orphans and disadvantaged children is the key method to combating poverty, disease, malnutrition, and poor social status of women.

21 January 2014 - Haiti school opens!

On January 21, 2014, our Restore a Child Academy elementary school opened its doors to 85 children grades K-3. Each year we plan to add a new grade to the school.  

We want to give them values to impact their lives.  Yes, it is late in the school year, but these children have no where to go to school and no money to pay tuition.  

We will prepare them for this coming school year that starts September 2014. To save money, Engineer, Joseph Valcin used the wood that was used to pour the cement roof to make tables and chairs for the first two grades.  We are ordering desks for the rest of the children. 

The photo of the school was taken January 4, 2014.  Since then the windows and doors have been ordered and we are asking you to kindly consider helping us with the cost .  

We need $10,000 before the end of February

I am leaving to Haiti on February 7 to check on the children and the school and also to dedicate the school. 

We are excited that the North American Division Youth and Young Adults Department has a team of volunteers going on a mission trip February 13-19 and then going directly to report at NAD Young Adult Prayer Convention in Miami on February 19.  

With this group the Columbia Union is sending a reporter to cover the trip. Two medical doctors, a nurse, a musician and a pastor.will join the group.

Valentine's Day - Give a gift that lasts

Valentine is a time when people think of those they love and think of ways to make them happy. Roses and chocolates are expressions of love, but roses fade and chocolates are eaten. Perhaps this year you can give a more meaningful gift for the one you love. A gift that transforms and changes lives. A gift that saves from hunger and malnutrition.

Imagine 6.9 million children die every year from hunger.

I appeal to you to think differently this Valentine's day and impact the life of even ONE child.

The photos at the top right were taken in December 2013 when a small group of our volunteers from Hungary went to Goma Refugee Camp, in the war-torn country of Congo. The war in Congo has been raging for over 17 years and hundreds of thousands of children have been orphaned. The sight of a hungry child, a child without arms or legs is so familiar.

This Valentine’s Day let’s think beyond red roses and chocolates and give hope to ONE child in Congo, Haiti, Bolivia, Indonesia, Chad, Tanzania, Kenya or South Sudan.

Please take a moment to check the enclosed new 15 Year Anniversary Gift Catalog and select a gift that lasts, a gift that changes lives and gives hope and a future. It is only through your generous and continued support that we are able to continue our work and grow to help thousands more children around the world.

The children say: 

“Thank You for caring for me this Valentines Day and for putting a smile on my face.”

Restore A Child: Helping Children of the World (1 minute feature)

Sunday 26 January 2014

Board of Directors member visits Restore exhibit

Dr Larry Blackmer, Vice President for Education for North American Division, and member Restore a Child Board of Directors visited out exhibit at NAD Leaders Convention in Momterey, California and spent time to meet our new supporter Dr Steve Chang, DDS. Blackmer assured Norma Nashed of his support for our continued partnership.