Friday 7 February 2014

Valentine's Day - Give a gift that lasts

Valentine is a time when people think of those they love and think of ways to make them happy. Roses and chocolates are expressions of love, but roses fade and chocolates are eaten. Perhaps this year you can give a more meaningful gift for the one you love. A gift that transforms and changes lives. A gift that saves from hunger and malnutrition.

Imagine 6.9 million children die every year from hunger.

I appeal to you to think differently this Valentine's day and impact the life of even ONE child.

The photos at the top right were taken in December 2013 when a small group of our volunteers from Hungary went to Goma Refugee Camp, in the war-torn country of Congo. The war in Congo has been raging for over 17 years and hundreds of thousands of children have been orphaned. The sight of a hungry child, a child without arms or legs is so familiar.

This Valentine’s Day let’s think beyond red roses and chocolates and give hope to ONE child in Congo, Haiti, Bolivia, Indonesia, Chad, Tanzania, Kenya or South Sudan.

Please take a moment to check the enclosed new 15 Year Anniversary Gift Catalog and select a gift that lasts, a gift that changes lives and gives hope and a future. It is only through your generous and continued support that we are able to continue our work and grow to help thousands more children around the world.

The children say: 

“Thank You for caring for me this Valentines Day and for putting a smile on my face.”

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