Friday 7 February 2014

Children with disability can become happy children learning in the school we support in Kinshasa, Congo.

With your help, children with disability can become happy children learning in the school we support in Kinshasa, Congo.

Make a donation to help children in Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is located in the center of the west-central area of sub-Saharan Africa. This is a country that has been severely affected by ongoing violence, which led to a major decline in the economy, leading to poverty, disease, and malnutrition. Many organizations, including the UN, have denounced this fighting due to the targeted violence towards women and children.

Due to this situation, UNICEF estimated that there are 4 million orphans in DRC. Problems that affect children heavily include malnutrition, a lack of clean water, and declining primary school enrollment rates. Caring for and providing a good education to orphans and disadvantaged children is the key method to combating poverty, disease, malnutrition, and poor social status of women.

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