Friday 7 March 2014

Restore a Child’s Innovative Project - Harvesting Rain Water

Restore a Child recognized the need for greater storage at the school due unpredictable availability of municipal water which we witnessed on our recent trip.

Immediate action was taken and five strong men who worked on the school construction were called and started on the digging of a 6,000-gallon capacity water reservoir to harvest rain drinking water.

During the five-month long rainy season with heavy downpours, huge supply of good water is wasted. Engineer Valcin was there to start the process.

This will cost $5,000 for the reservoir, tank and pump so Restore a Child Academy students will never be left without water.

We also plan to do the same at the home and guest house we built in partnership with Upward Bound Ministry headed by Ronald and Marjorie MaGloire in Bois Pin for our agricultural program.

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