Friday 7 March 2014

Unusual Enrollment Process

Normally a parent contacts a school, fills an application form, pays the fees, then goes to prepare the child for school. In Restore a Child Academie in Haiti things are quite different. 

Hundred children with hundred stories to tell. Because most of the children in Bois Pin are extremely poor, their families cannot afford to pay tuition.

Education is not free in Haiti. The Director Ronald MaGloire and engineer Joseph Valcin and teachers went home to home to encourage parents to send their children to school, even if they had no money. The parents were surprised and happy for this generous offer.

Parents, mostly single mothers, who could not afford to buy shoes or clothes for their children. Restore a Child Academie exists to provide quality education to the poor children in Haiti.

We are so thankful for Spencerville Adventist Academy in Maryland who donated funds for us to buy shoes
for all the children. Also parents from Spencerville Academy donated clothes and books for which we are very grateful.

We are also grateful for Newtown Adventist Church in Connecticut who drove a van with 45 boxes of school supplies which will be enough for the next two years for all the students. It is this synergy energy that
makes work grow and prosper. 

Thank you ALL.

“I was Naked and you clothed ME” is a Biblical mandate.

Restore a Child is unique in its approach. We do not wait to be asked to help, we Go, Seek, and Find those in need

Norma spent the whole first week going home to home, even in the streets, getting little boys and girls without shoes and clothes who could not go to school because of extreme poverty.

She took more than 15 kids and washed their feet, clothed them, fed them and took them to school. During a surprise party from the poor local mothers, each brought a piece of orange or coconut or an egg and it
was hard for Norma to accept gifts from poor people, but she wanted to be kind.

One mother spoke and said:

"We are grateful that our children have a new mother." This made Norma was so emotional and mothers
joined her with tears filling their eyes. Norma accepted the challenge of being a mother to these children and
people called her on the streets “Mamman Blanc” in creole, meaning White Mom.

“What an awesome challenge and wonderful trust and responsibility!.

I can do this only because you, our donors and Versacare really cared. Thank you and God bless you,” says Norma.

For this reason Restore a Child was established, to help solve the problem of children spending their days just fetching water or idle on the streets with little or no hope for a better future..

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